Sustain & Restore

Engage best practices in land management and restoration to sustain native biodiversity, positive recreational experiences and benefits connected with the Sonoran Desert.

Current Progress

This goal includes a variety of initiatives, including research about the impact of using desert parks, research about effective invasive species control and removal and working to return native plants to the landscape.


Active Initiatives


Total Initiatives


Parks Involved in Invasive Species Mapping

Science in the Desert


Advancing milkweed research and education in Central Arizona

Monarch butterfly populations have declined as much as 90% over the last two decades. Great Milkweed Grow Out is a Desert Botanical Garden initiative that supports monarch conservation by creating habitat at schools and community centers, propagating native milkweeds, and conducting innovative research on monarchs and milkweed.

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Together we can build a strong future for our environment and protect the natural beauty of Central Arizona.

desert botanical garden

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Love & Support


CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!