Urban Desertscape Enhancement

The Urban Desertscape Enhancement (UDE) collaborative working group aims to educate homeowners on the importance of water conservation and native plant landscaping.

UDE focuses on increasing native desert habitat in urban areas and saving water across the Maricopa County region. Protecting local parks and preserves from invasive plants starts with you. Learn more about how you can participate in water conservation and invasive plant efforts below!


Dawn at Courthouse Rock

Coming Soon: Our Guide to desert-friendly landscaping

Help us find and map the top noxious weeds (invasive plant species) of concern for Central Arizona region using iNaturalist. These invasive plants have spread aggressively both in urban and open spaces during the last few years. Everyone can join!

Butterfly on the flowers in the garden

Maricopa Pollinator Pathway

The Maricopa Native Seed Library offers a pollinator habitat certification program specific for our region, developed by a local panel of experts.

Seed Summit 2022

Maricopa Native Seed Library

The Maricopa Native Seed Library Youtube channel features videos about native gardening in Phoenix and how to support pollinators.


Arizona Native Plant Society Native Plant List

Visit the AZ Native Plant Society website to view native plants you can add to your landscape.


Sustainable Landscape Management Book

Waibel & Associates’ Sustainable Landscape Management – A Guide to Care in the Desert Southwest continues as the standard for the landscape maintenance industry. This book reviews all aspects of yard and property care and maintenance. It can be found on their website, along with information on the courses they offer.

Dawn at Courthouse Rock

Wildfire Awareness

The Sonoran Desert is not fire adapted. As climate change and invasive species transform our landscape, our desert needs your help to thrive. Take a look at our Desert Defenders wildfire infographic and learn how you can help.

Dawn at Courthouse Rock

Wildfire and Invasive Plants

Explore more information and resources from national and regional partners on wildfire and wildfire risk, invasive species, native plants, and ways to help.

More Resources

Explore more resources below by topic or location.

Project Partners

We are grateful for the support and leadership of our partners in this effort.

Desert Botanical Garden logo
Arizona Municipal Water Users Association Logo
maricopa trail
Arizona Municipal Water Users Association Logo
McDowell Sonoran Conservancy logo
arizona parks and recreation association
arizona parks and recreation association

CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!