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Wildfire: Friend or Foe?

Event Description

Throughout history, foresters have had an interesting relationship with wildfires as they learned more about their ecological impact. More than a destructive force, fires promote growth and revitalization. Ignite your curiosity and join us for this historical narrative of the old fire tower system and how nature recovers. Bring all your burning questions! Meet at Palo Verde Ramada.

Nov 12, 2023
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Event Partners

CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.

desert botanical garden
desert botanical garden
desert botanical garden
desert botanical garden
desert botanical garden

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CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!