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National Public Lands Day

Love & Support

Event Description

CAZCA and the Metro Phoenix EcoFlora are celebrating National Public Lands Day!

Take part in a casual and fun hike at South Mountain with us as we enjoy and connect with nature. Join us to learn more about the public lands and wilderness areas we have in Arizona while hiking a portion of the Box Canyon Loop Trail.

We will also be exploring and learning about iNaturalist, a free mobile app to help identify plants and wildlife. Come and enjoy the wonderful desert with us and celebrate.

We will meet in front of the South Mountain Environmental Education Center (map available in the registration page). Should you have any questions the day of the event, please email ecofloraphx@dbg.org. Masks are required.

Sept 24, 2021
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Do I need to Register?

Yes, this event is free but please register through Eventbrite.

Event Partners

CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.

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CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!