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July EcoQuest: Sonoran Survivors

Protect & Connect | Sustain & Restore

 Event Description

This month’s EcoQuest is dedicated to learning to recognize Sonoran Desert plants that can survive or repopulate after fire in order to increase our understanding and appreciation of the Sonoran Desert ecosystem.

Natural fires have not historically been a significant part of the Sonoran Desert, so most of the plant life in the desert is not built to withstand intense, large-scale wildfires. Help us understand more about wildfire and its impacts in the Sonoran Desert by mapping plants close to home that can help facilitate recovery of the desert landscape. Explore the resilient Sonoran Desert plants for this project.

July 2020
All Day

How do I join?

Sign up for iNaturalist and join the EcoQuest today!

Event Partners

CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.

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CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!