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Ecoquestions with Kara Barron

EcoQuestions with Kara Barron

Love & Support | Sustain & Restore

Event Description

May is all about Wildfire Awareness! In this EcoQuestions session, we hear from Kara Barron. Kara Barron is the Science and Outreach Manager at the Gila Watershed Partnership in Safford, AZ. As part of her position, she manages the seed collection program that supports restoration projects along the Upper Gila River.

The Sonoran Desert is not fire adapted. Kara will discuss what this means and, more specifically, how individual plants and their communities respond and how a future with more frequent wildfires will alter the landscape we have all become so familiar with and love. She graduated from ASU in 2018 with a master’s degree in Plant Biology and Conservation where she studied the impact of wildfire and restoration on plant community composition of the Arizona Upland subdivision of the Sonoran Desert.


May 11, 2021
6 - 7 p.m. MST

Do I need to Register?

Yes. This event is free but please register through Zoom.

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