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Unfamiliar Pollinators

EcoQuestions: Unfamiliar Pollinators


Join us for the very first in-person EcoQuestions with Arizona State University PhD candidates Jordan Glass and Meredith Johnson to learn about the amazing world of bees and lesser-known pollinators.

This session coordinates with the June EcoQuest for the Metro Phoenix EcoFlora. This month, we’re looking for unfamiliar pollinators.

Jordan Glass studies environmental physiology, specifically how insects function, interact with, and evolve to deal with environmental stressors, working in the lab of Dr. Jon F. Harrison. His thesis research focuses on the environmental physiology of honey bee flight, in particular how these important pollinators respond to temperature variation and agrochemicals that have been implicated in pollinator decline.

Meredith Johnson specializes in the thermal physiology and water balance of flying bees. In particular, she is passionate about conserving and understanding the solitary desert bees in her favorite genus – Centris. When Meredith is not collecting data in the Sonoran Desert, she can be found climbing in the McDowell mountains, identifying desert plants, or working on one of her insect illustrations.

Where to Meet: This session will be held in Archer House on the Center for Desert Living Trail (purple trail on this map), next to the Herb Garden. Please ask admissions for guidance if needed.

June 29, 2022
10:00 - 11:00am

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