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Ecoflora One Year Anniversary

EcoFlora One Year Anniversary

ecoquest | Love & Support

Event Description

Can you believe it? The Metro Phoenix EcoFlora is celebrating its one year anniversary!

Join the team for a review of the past year, member recognition and exciting announcements about what’s in store for year two.

We are also pleased to announce guest speaker: Dixie Damrel. Most recently serving as the Herbarium Curator at Clemson University, Dixie worked on the Phoenix Flora from 1997-1999 while earning her Master’s degree in Botany from Arizona State University. This Flora has helped provide a baseline for the Metro Phoenix EcoFlora project and can guide our efforts into the future. Everyone is welcome!

Feb 23, 2021
6pm to 7:30pm

Do I need to Register?

Yes, this is a no-cost celebration but please register for this event.

Event Partners

CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.

desert botanical garden
desert botanical garden

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CAZCA is an initiative of Desert Botanical Garden. Any donations made to CAZCA must be made through Desert Botanical Garden. You will now be taken to their website to complete this transaction. Thank you!