Join the City Nature Challenge, a global effort to observe and document as much urban biodiversity as possible using iNaturalist. Anyone can get involved and share their observations anywhere from neighborhoods to local parks. This is the first year the Greater Phoenix Area will participate in the challenge and is hosted by the Metro Phoenix EcoFlora with City of Chandler Community Services and Educating Children Outdoors.
The cities with the most observations, most species, and most participants will be announced on May 10. Search for the City Nature Challenge Greater Phoenix Area project on iNaturalist and join to start making observation of all the plants and wildlife you can find! Everything you share will automatically be included in the challenge and count toward our city’s total.
While practicing social distancing, wearing a mask and following recommended safety guideline- the 2021 City Nature Challenge is a great way to spend time and destress while learning about urban biodiversity. To learn more email or visit
Yes, please join the City Nature Challenge project on iNaturalist to contribute.
CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.