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Ray Leimkuehler

EcoQuestions with Ray Leimkuehler

Event Description

Join us for EcoQuestions with Ray Leimkuehler. Ray is a trails horticulturist for the Desert Botanical Garden and an ISA certified arborist/municipal specialist. He has been a horticulturist for 22 years, with 16 of those years spent at Desert Botanical Garden. Ray will share his expertise in the best pruning practices to keep plants healthy and flourishing.

This session coordinates with the April EcoQuest for the Metro Phoenix EcoFlora. This month, we’re observing the top 5 NOT wanted pruning methods and learning more about their effects on the health and longevity of plants.

EcoQuestions are presentations and Q&A sessions with scientists, experts or community members focused on the monthly EcoQuest topic.

Apr 11, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Do I need to Register?

Yes, please register for the event using our partner’s registration page.

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CAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.

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